Saturday, June 14, 2008

Come Celebrate with Us!

There’s a party going on at: and you’re invited!

If you are an entrepreneur, this celebration is for YOU! Researchers have found that the better your communication skills as a business owner, the more successful you will be financially. (Now there’s a reason to party!)

In honor of Effective Communications Month – a real honest-to-goodness holiday listed in Chase’s Calendar of Events—throughout the month of June you can pick up loads of fabulous tools to help you communicate more effectively in your business with your customers, clients and prospects so you can enjoy greater success.

My colleague, communication expert, Felicia Slattery, has pulled together some of the world’s best and brightest to give you a one-stop shop to pick up all things related to getting you the results and success you want.

The best part? It’s all FREEEEEE! There is nothing to buy now—or ever. This isn’t some teaser offer where you only get to see what’s listed and then have to buy something in order to get the goods. This is completely 100% free to you. That’s right -- we’re doing a real giveaway going on until the end of June.

What’s the catch? There really is none. If you don’t know her, Felicia is just that kind of person. She likes giving away useful stuff.

You’ll get tips on organizing (because you can’t communicate if you can’t find your phone or keyboard!), podcasting, writing your book, search engine optimization (so people can find you to communicate with you!) public speaking, and so much more. Overall you’ll find more than 20 freebies designed especially for you. It’s going on right now until June 30.

Tell all your friends. And go right away to: and let the experts shower you with gifts!

See you there!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this Heidi. You need to add another w in the web address for the link to work - but I worked it out ;-)

I'll shoot over to see what there is on offer!

Heidi Richards Mooney, Founder Women in Ecommerce said...


Thanks for the heads up. I fixed the link!

There really are a lot of wonderful "Prizes" so glad you will see what Felicia has to offer... all free!

All the best...


Melodieann Whiteley said...

If you and Felicia say it's worth checking out than I am definitely sold. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Heidi, thanks for the information, can't wait to check it out.