Friday, January 12, 2007

Date-ing for Dollars

Yesterday I mentioned Web Content Awareness Day created by my good friend Dina Giolitto. And it got me thinking...about using the calendar and special dates to promote your business. I use the months observances as motivation to find ways to market my company each month. In fact, I write a monthly article called Calendar Marketing. So, before the month of January gets away - I thought I'd share it with you.

Here's an excerpt:

Did you know January is International New Year’s Resolutions Month for Business? “The keys to success with any resolution are: believing in it, commitment to the outcome and confidence that you will succeed.” …Even if you find yourself with no time to plan, it is important you at least think about the coming year and start mentally making your marketing resolutions. To read my article – A New Year, A New You – Marketing Resolutions that will Improve Your Image and Your Bottom Line, visit:

January is also National Mentoring Month – who mentored you? Thank them during National Mentoring Month and pass it on – mentor someone in business and help them achieve their goals. I am a Mentor on the Classy, Chic ‘N Elite Forum of Ryze and Shelley Hill and Robin Nessel started the Business Buddies Mentor Match to help newer business women get the help they need from women who are successful business owners.

To read the rest of the article, click here:

I have found that using the calendar as a marketing tool is interesting and inspiring - it really gets my creating juices flowing. My staff and I look forward to reading about unusual holidays such as Take the Cake Day, or Show and Tell Day at Work. We call it Date-ing for Dollars because many of the ideas and strategies that come from this type of marketing have more than added to our satisfaction, they have added to our bottom line! Isn't that what marketing is all about???

To your success in January... and the months and years to come.


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